Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome Autumn

Living in Phoenix, we tend to get our autumn weather a bit later and slightly differently than the rest of the country. October 1st, we were still kissing 100 degrees, but the summer has finally broken.

We had a cool rain this evening, and the high is only supposed to reach 77 tomorrow. 77! I know that doesn't spell fall for most of you, but let me assure you, after five months in the 100s, anything under 90 is jean weather.

Speaking of, I wore my jeans today. Granted, it was still with flip flops and a t-shirt, but that's how I like it. Even Monkey wore jeans to school today. He is so unaccustomed to long pants he proclaimed, "I can't climb with these jeans on! I'm sliding everywhere!" Yes, bare knees definitely grip plastic play structures much better.

He might not be a fan, but I am thankful. I don't mind shorts, but I LOVE my jeans. I wear them until they are literally frayed and falling apart. I even still have one hold out pair from high school that I 'borrowed' from my bestie.

Even better than the jeans, the cooler weather means a return to our outdoor activities. I was starting to get a little stir crazy. There's only so much 'indoor play area' a half hippie can handle.

At sunset tonight we enjoyed a family stroll to the mailbox (my favorite thing today). We took our time, admiring all the Halloween decorations put up by our neighbors. Monkey especially loves the scarecrows. We have our own witch scarecrow on our doorstep. He was anxious to go knock on our neighbor's doors, trying to convince me that Halloween could be early this year.

On our way back home, we appreciated another gorgeous desert sunset (thanks storm clouds), and Monkey pulled a newly acquired stick along the sidewalk behind him. First he suggested we could use it for marshmallows, then wanted to bring it inside to show wow-wow. A little heartbroken, he was persuaded to leave it outside. It was a huge stick.

Ahhhhh, welcome fall.



  1. Beautiful pic! Saw a pink horizon last night too :) Fall really is the best!
