Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Beginning

Here I am, again.  I've tried this blogging thing before.  I blogged when my first son was born, 13 weeks early, and spent 112 days in the NICU.  It was an outlet.  Blogging about it helped keep me sane and it helped keep family up to date.  I continued blogging after my son came home from the hospital, but soon found that I was having a hard time keeping up with him and my blog.  I let it slide for too long, then started relying heavily on Facebook as a means of keeping people updated.

Ten months ago, along came son number two.  I've been struggling to keep my head above water, and I find myself in need of a new sanity saver.  A good friend, the only one aside from hubby who knows my deep dark secrets, recently started an inspirational blog, and inspired me to get my own thoughts out.  Better out than in, as Shrek would say, right?

So what's this blog about?  Only time will tell.  I hope this to be part journal, part information aggregator.  I'll try to post recipes, crafts, good deals, green tips, parenting advice (I'm learning as I go), and just daily thoughts.

I've jokingly called myself a 'half hippie', meaning that I'm a tree hugger when I can be, but have my faults.  I drive a hybrid, don't wear make-up, recycle, buy used as much as possible, eat healthy, and frequent our local farmer's market.  Despite my black thumb, I've also successfully grown a variety of fruits and vegetables in our 'garden'.  However, I also have a weakness for Costco, Amazon, and a wicked sweet tooth.

I look forward to blogging and can't wait to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper!  Or, this blog, but you know what I mean.


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