Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cuddle Time

Monkey loves to cuddle.  Especially since Bear (little brother) was born and started cutting into his one on one time with mommy. Since he no longer naps, sometimes he'll ask to cuddle when he's tired and just curl up to rest. It's one of my absolute favorite things.

Lately, he's been wanting to cuddle when it's time for Bear's afternoon feeding/nap. So we'll throw a blanket on my legs, and Monkey will curl up on my legs while I'm nursing Bear. Apparently, I was running behind schedule today, because he informed me, "Mommy, I think brother needs to eat now. Can we cuddle?"

I love how little minds connect things like that. Instead of just saying, 'I'm tired'. So, we had a nice cuddle for a few minutes until Bear decided he wasn't sleepy and instead wanted to spit up on our blanket. Monkey reassured me and said, "It's ok, mommy. We can clean it." Something about these moments that I just love.

Take every opportunity to cuddle your little ones while you can. I have a feeling that before too long, they'll be 'too big' to cuddle.


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