Friday, October 12, 2012

Limes and Leaves

What a glorious day today.  The weather was beyond perfect and Monkey spent the better part of the afternoon exploring our backyard, while I slaved away in the kitchen making Moroccan Meatballs and Spaghetti Squash (recipes to come).  Fortunately, the kitchen faces the backyard and I had the door open, so I could monitor Monkey.  Even with a secure fence around the pool, I still get nervous.

First, he transported nearly every 'toy' to the backyard.  Wheel barrow, baseball tee, jump rope, buckets, shovels, balls.  Then he proceeded to play with every non-toy in the yard.  He delighted in picking limes off the tree, and seeing how far he could throw them.  He also carefully scooped rocks up and put them in an empty trash bin (they were later returned to the yard).

Best of all, he marched into the house, and while I wasn't paying attention dumped a huge pile of 'helicopters' all over the floor.  "Look, mommy!  Leaves!!"  Yes, that's about as close to leaves as we get this time of year.  As slightly annoyed as I was at the thought of stopping what I was doing to clean up his leaves, I was able to appreciate the joy on his face at sharing his discovery.

So, I left them on the floor so daddy could see.  Something worth sharing.

Next time he started to come in with another pile, I gently said, "oh, why don't we leave those outside?  We have plenty in here to show daddy when he gets home."  Worked like a charm with no hurt feelings at all.  I cringe a little when I think of other kids/parents in the same situation where a harsh, "No!", or scolding for dirtying the house would crush that excited spirit.

Lessons reinforced today-

1. Nature's toys always win over plastic ones
2. A creative and happy child is worth more than an immaculate house
3. Gentle redirection can work wonders
4. Share the little moments that make you smile


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