Sunday, October 14, 2012

Farewell, old friend

Today we said goodbye to an old friend. Our Jeep. We bought it 11 years ago, to this month. It was used, our first car purchase as a 'couple'. It has taken us from California, up the Oregon coast, and finally to Phoenix.

For the past 6 years or so, it has primarily been Hubby's car. He worked from home for many years, and now his office is only a mile away, so it hasn't gotten much use for a long time. Honestly, I think the only time I've even driven it in the past year was to go pick up a used picnic table I found on craigslist. Other than that, it's been great for hauling home our Christmas tree, and trips to the hardware store (or Ikea).

It had become the bane of Hubby's existence. It was black, and the A/C went out every summer, despite being 'fixed' 4 or 5 times. The power door locks have long been broken, there's a dent on the front passenger door that makes it 'pop' every time you open it (thanks hit and run driver), the front bumper literally just fell off (no joke), the windshield is scratched to the point of being dangerous, the transmission continually has problems, and that check engine light loves coming on. He seriously HATES the Jeep.

Me, on the other hand, I have mostly fond memories, and so it was tough for me to see it go. It was my primary car when we lived in San Diego, and I commuted 60+ miles every day in it. Ironically, I don't think I ever used the A/C. Windows down for me, please. Every weekend, I used it to take my salty dog to the beach. She destroyed the cargo area of that thing. There is probably still sand in the cracks and crevices. I also remember driving solo to Phoenix, on my first 'house hunting' trip, while Hubby stayed home to work. Blasting Beastie Boys on the CD player (that was hooked up to the stereo via cassette!).  Yes, our last cassette player. Now what to do with all my old tapes? There were camping trips, road trips, oh the fun we had!

Sadly, the kiddos never got to experience the Jeep. It was a 98, so pre-latch, and I never felt comfortable putting their car seats in there. I have a feeling Monkey is going to be asking about why it's not in the driveway anymore. He always wanted to ride in daddy's car.

On a positive note, we are now a one car (hybrid) family. As Hubby's office is so close, he's going to bike it to work every day. Not sure how long we'll last as a one car family, but I like the thought of it. Other one car families have told me it brought them closer.

It will be weird for me for a while though, not seeing it parked in front of the house. Bye, my sweet Jeep. I'll always cherish our sweet San Diego memories.


1 comment:

  1. I totally get the sentiment. Getting rid of our explorer was especially hard because we brought the big one home from the hospital in it. Don't get rid of the cassettes, I still have a dual cassette boom box. Adopted from the little sister. How much for it ;)
